viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

What lies hidden!!!

Many times in life we are full of questions, and among so many questions also wonder why you lie, why always invent stories, why can not face reality ... is easier to lie and not have to give any explanations.
What people do not know that lie is that lies in the long term may be very burdensome and difficult to carry.

There comes a point that has lied so much that it is difficult to separate truth from falsehood. Besides who lies away from God, because God is Truth, the Way and the Life.
Let's see ... It's a lie when:

1. You meet a person and not say you are married, have children, you already have a life, perhaps but a miserable life before she met him ..
2. It lies on the profession you have, they always say they are lawyers, engineers, doctors, etc. ..
3. It lies when it usurps the personality of another person and therefore is believed that lie that you become another person who lives only in your mind ..
4. Do not tell the truth about things seemingly insignificant, Examples of Use, you say you're blonde or brunette and you're the opposite of that, lies senseless ..
5. He even lies about the economic situation we have, this is very common among people who use this medium to lie.
Possibly find that the little lie the first day was another lie, and so on as your relationship continued to grow with that person you lied ... Now comes the point where everything gets complicated, you do not know how to say that nothing was true, that lying is present in all that you've spoken ... It involves both of you are not already out, no longer know how to turn back and face the truth.
The truth always ends up turning the corner, however much you want to hide it, someday it's time to face your truth and leave behind the lie is not easy making this decision, but only the truth will set you free and a new person .
You must be strong, breathing and propose you to talk one day, take your time, is that the time is right, and when you go to talk about what you think about it say, do not disguise the lies because the same lies, but double . It is just be yourself and not a person who does not exist. The worst that can happen is you leave, and the best thing that can happen is that you understand, forgive and you can do together that life he dreamed of them.
Facing the lies is very difficult, but much more difficult is to live hidden behind it. Well ... after all, say the lie hard, until the truth comes into our lives.

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